Db week 3 nr-504

I have to respond to my classmate. This what he wrote. Self-care is the act of caring for oneself in the midst of everything else going on. In order to adequately care for others you have to take care of yourself. Self-leadership is the ability to give yourself initiative and motivation. The two relate to competency as a leader because without self-care you cannot have self-leadership and without self-leadership you cannot lead others Leaders should inspire motivation in others and if you are unable to motivate yourself how can you motivate others? Being competent as a leader you have to be able to care for others and lead others. This competency is only brought about when you can do those things for yourself (Baron,2016).

According to the chamberlain model self is the first circle and all other circles blossom from the self, the circles flow into faculty/staff, patients, environment and transforming healthcare. When adequate self-care is present, it will flow into the other areas allowing you to care for everything else. When self-care is lacking it will also flow into the others. Once you are lacking in the self-care area it will emanate through the other tiers and you can never reach that final phase of transforming healthcare. You have to be able to lead yourself or follow yourself in order to have others follow. This will translate into the staff following to provide great care and getting to that transformation of healthcare (Gardner et.al. 2021).

The biggest way that self-care and leadership is in the principles of authentic leadership is that you have to have self-awareness. In order to evaluate your actions you have to be self-aware, which will lead to self-care and that care will help motivate you to change things which gives you self -leadership. The self-awareness will help you see what you are doing and allow you to see if you are implementing the principles adequately. By doing this, it is reflected in self-care and leadership because they will resonate in how you proceed. You will change your actions based on your findings(Baron,2016).

The implications in my future practice will resonate with my peers and students. I will evaluate my current practice and determine if I need to change anything. If I do I will develop and plan and implement it by motivating myself to adhere. Two recommendations I have for cultivating self-care and leadership is to continually be reflective on your practice. This means debriefing for 10-15 minutes a day with yourself and going over the highlights of the day. Determine if there was any self-care that needed to be performed , The second would be to put a plan in place for the next day and evaluate the plan. This would include asking people if they noticed changes or if they felt certain things would benefit them or you.