Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. Describe different personality theories.

 Personality theories

Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. Describe different personality theories.

Write a small summary of the case study. Write 1 page with 2 sources supporting the effects of the issues with definitions.

Case studies for organizational communication

1- Write a small summary of the case study.
2- Write 1 page with 2 sources supporting the effects of the issues with definitions.

Provide information and education regarding: Their individual (Kate and Michelle) health concerns/conditions. Maintaining their health to a level that will enhance/promote independence.

Case study 5

Kate Stevens and Michelle Galla


You are a support worker who has just started providing support to two young women who both live independently in a duplex home and both require minimal support.

Kate Steven’s medical history

Kate is 23 years old and was born with Down syndrome and has a mild intellectual disability.  Although Kate is a good communicator verbally she can at times be difficult to understand due to her dysphasia.

She has an inactive lifestyle and poor diet comprising of high fat fast/take away foods.  She prefers the ease and convenience of these foods over home cooked fresh food.  Her lifestyle choices have contributed to weight gain and poor dental/oral health issues.

Michelle Galla’s medical history

Michelle is 32 years old and has an ABI as a result of a serious car accident six years ago. Michelle is able to cook, eat, shower and do most things for herself but has difficulty staying focussed on tasks for long periods of time and requires prompting at times to complete tasks. Michelle also can become frustrated when completing lengthy complicated tasks resulting in angry outbursts and behaviours of concern such as self-verbal abuse and hitting herself, sometimes lashing out at staff both verbally and physically as well.

Your support visits

You support these young women three days of the week; with other staff providing support on other days. You have noticed that Kate has not been buying any fresh healthy foods as there are no fresh foods in the refrigerator or cupboard. On your last visit you noticed Kate has strong halitosis and she was complaining of a tooth ache.

You have observed that when coming in to close proximity to Michelle, the faint aroma of body spray/perfume does not hide her offensive body odour.  Michelle is constantly scratching her inner elbows, behind her knees and between her fingers. On checking on the itchy areas you note a musky smell and red broken skin.

As part of skill development and independence building, your role is to monitor and encourage Michelle to complete everyday household tasks.  Clothes in the washing machine appear to have been washed and are starting to dry, yet there is a urine odour in the machine.

Michelle is wearing the same dress that you last saw her in, with food stains across the chest.  You approach her tactfully with an offer to assist with her shower today and she replies in an angry tone, “I can do it myself, I don’t need any help”.


Your Task

To provide information and education regarding:

  1. Their individual (Kate and Michelle) health concerns/conditions
  2. Maintaining their health to a level that will enhance/promote independence

Identify and explain the health issue on which you will focus (e.g. Covid19 vaccination for vaccine hesitant people or parents to vaccinate their children or the already vaccinated to get their booster shot). Define important terms.

Seven Steps to Writing a Health Campaign

Covid19 Vaccine Hesitant Spr 23

Length of paper 18 pages double-spaced, Calibri 11 font, not including title page or references.

This is the seven step model to writing a health campaign as covered in chapters 13 and 14 of your duPre textbook.  You will write your own health campaign exactly following these seven steps with the instructions listed below each step.  You will be doing research to address many of these questions.  Cite your sources within the text of your paper and in the references page using APA format.

Objective:  For this project your goal is to design a campaign that will persuade your small, specific target audience to get the covid19 vaccine or booster.

Scenario The scenario for your campaign is that you, as the spokesperson as well as developer for your campaign, will attempt to persuade vaccine hesitant members of your family/friends or group to which you belong to get the COVID19 vaccine, or booster or for parents to vaccinate their children.  Especially with the vaccine hesitant, research shows they are most likely to be persuaded by a member of their own community or someone they respect.

Imagine that you work for a healthcare employer and your supervisor asked your team to each write their own proposal for an individualized campaign to persuade a particular small group of Covid 19 vaccine hesitant people to vaccinate or booster themselves or their children.  The employer requires all proposals to be written in the same format so they can be easily compared.


Step 1: Defining the Situation and Potential Benefits

  1. Identify and explain the health issue on which you will focus (e.g. Covid19 vaccination for vaccine hesitant people or parents to vaccinate their children or the already vaccinated to get their booster shot). Define important terms.
  2. Address the significance/costs: What are the health consequences?   What are the personal costs to individuals?   What are the societal costs to others?
  3. Address the scope: How prevalent is this health concern? Is the prevalence greater for some groups than others?
  4. Address factors influencing people’s behavior regarding this health issue.


Step 2: Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience

You are selecting and describing whom your campaign will target and why, as well as the thoughts and behaviors of this targeted group of people that could be addressed by your campaign:

  1. Based on articles addressing your health issue, think carefully about the people affected by the issue (target population).  Describe the people/groups affected by your health issue.
  2. Choose a target audience that your campaign could significantly impact (i.e., your family/friends, groups you know and belong to, parents to vaccinate their children). Describe this group and why it is particularly important that they be the focus of a campaign on your health issue (i.e., why is it important to change their behavior?)   Your writing needs to explain why you chose this target population.   Why should a campaign be focused on their behavior?
  3. Find out everything you can about your “target audience.”  Why are they particularly vulnerable on your health issues?  What thoughts/behaviors offer information about how to persuade this group?


Step 3: Establishing Campaign Goals and Objectives

In this section, you are setting objectives for your campaign (e.g. convince target audience to get the covid19 vaccine) and you are planning the communication efforts that will enable you to reach them (e.g., facetime, zoom, email, letters, PowerPoint etc.).

  1. State the overall goal of your campaign. What do you want to achieve?  What kinds of changes do you want your campaign to make?  Identify specific objectives, and think in terms of short-term outcomes (awareness of the campaign), mid-term outcomes (changes in beliefs, attitudes, perceptions), and long-term outcomes (behavioral changes, health improvements).
  2. Apply the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timeframe) criteria to the objectives you identified.   Work with your objectives until you have the set you want that meets these criteria. Write this section of your paper laying out your objectives and how they meet the SMART criteria.


Step 4: Selecting Channels of Communication

In this section you will plan the communication that will enable you to reach your objective(s).   What is your campaign going to DO to get you to those SMART objectives?

  1. Channel Characteristics: Choose a communication method that will best meet your goals for successfully implementing your messageg.(facetime, zoom, email, letters, PowerPoint etc.).
  2. Explain why and how this channel is the best choice for persuading your target audience.
  3. How does this channel affect the impact of the message in terms of involvement and arousal?


Step 5: Designing Campaign Messages

This section is the heart of the campaign.  You will choose a theory to guide you in developing the message.

Choosing a Voice and/or Spokesperson: for this project you are the spokesperson for the campaign addressing your target audience and persuading them to get a covid19 vaccine. Write about what makes you a good spokesperson for this particular audience.


Theoretical Foundation for message framing. Choose one of the theories covered in chapters 13 and 14 of the duPre textbook to guide you in framing your message. The text book gives a limited explanation of the theories.  In order to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the theory you choose, do a search for more information on the theory.

  1. Explain the major theory that undergirds your campaign.
  2. Define all major terms used in the theory.
  3. Explain the major predictions of the theory.
  4. Explain how the theory is useful in you campaign.

Complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation that explains what are considered professional and unprofessional attire and behaviors for your chosen career.

Professional Appearance Presentation

You will complete a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation that explains what are considered professional and unprofessional attire and behaviors for your chosen career. The presentation will also include information regarding best practices for other factors related to physical appearance and behaviors (hairstyles, tattoos, accessories, jewelry, piercings, communication, attitude, etc.). The presentation will demonstrate the importance of managing your professional image for career success. It will cover specific practices regarded as essential for professionals in your career.

Provide a research and analysis of best practices in crisis communications for a government in the context of covid-19.

Discussion essay

This project is made up of 2 main parts.

1st part (5 subsections – 5 pages each): 5 different detailed situational analyses and online content audits of 5 different countries’ official online communications regarding the covid-19 pandemic.

2nd part (1 subsection – 5 pages): Research and analysis of best practices in crisis communications for a government in the context of covid-19. (Includes certain requirements)

Details of very important steps, requirements and necessary additions/components for both parts are included in the attached document.

Write a 1-page small summary with two sources supporting the effects of the issues with definitions.

Eugene McDermott Library

Write a 1-page small summary with two sources supporting the effects of the issues with definitions.

Choose one of the theories previously covered in class and write a traditional literature review on the theory.

Agenda Setting Theory

Students will choose one of the theories previously covered in class and write a traditional literature review on the theory. This will be a 4–6-page paper (not including references or title page) analyzing a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles that utilize the chosen theory. These articles must be drawn from the given list of communication studies journals and should explore different ways that the theory has been applied and utilized over the years. Students must choose a theory that they are not presenting on for the theory presentations. This should be a formal literature review that synthesizes the articles you have found using the literature. This means that your paper should NOT be a list of sources and the information attached to them, but rather bringing the 5 or more sources you have found into conversation with each other to build a picture of the different ways your chosen theory can be applied and expanded upon.


Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so?

Group Leadership Discussion

Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an activity, plan an event, solve a problem, etc.? Was the end result of your working together productive or unproductive? Why do you think this was so? Were you the leader of the group? If not, could you tell who the group leader was? How? Did the direction the group took in terms of completing the task align with how you thought the task should be completed? Why or why not?

What was a written exchange that did not go as you had hoped or that caused you some anxiety or regret? How might you have addressed it differently if you had thought more about purpose and audience?

Week 4 Discussion Board: Audience

Carefully respond to the prompt below in at least two complete paragraphs by creating a thread and providing it with a descriptive title. Once you have answered the prompt, reply to one of your peers’ threads by the end of the weekly unit. For more information about how your work will be evaluated, see the rubric located in Course Information.

Now that we have covered the “Principles,” you have practiced writing communications for several purposes and audiences. Think back over your previous writing in the workplace (or, if need be, emailed or mailed communications you have written as a customer). What was a written exchange that did not go as you had hoped or that caused you some anxiety or regret? How might you have addressed it differently if you had thought more about purpose and audience?