
Write an essay explaining how nursing has evolved over time.

Contemporary nursing

Write an essay explaining how nursing has evolved over time.

Look in five different types of magazines or media to find five images of how a woman is depicted. What is the purpose of the image/ad? How is the woman being depicted? What are the intentions of the figure? And how do you, the viewer, feel towards this woman and/or the intentions of the image/ad?

Art 100

Read pages 211-232 in the online text

Links to an external site..

How are women depicted in popular culture today? The expression “sex sells” can readily be validated by looking in virtually any advertisement or magazine, those geared for either men or women.

  1. Look in five different types of magazines or media to find five images of how a woman is depicted. What is the purpose of the image/ad? How is the woman being depicted? What are the intentions of the figure? And how do you, the viewer, feel towards this woman and/or the intentions of the image/ad? 100-300 words
  2. Then as an extension of this project, choose one image of particular interest. Copy or scan to create a black and white image. Incorporate a contrasting or provocative statement in red, similar to Barbara Kruger’s work Untitled (Your body is a battleground).

Think of one of your ongoing relationships in which conflict plays a larger or more harmful part than you would prefer. Which conflict management strategies from this chapter are you willing to put into use in that relationship?

English Question

Write 3 paragraphs about the following topics:

1. Some conflict throughout history has spread perniciously, as the cancer model might suggest. Have you personally experienced such enlargement of conflict in a group? If so, what factors do you believe contributed to the situation? At what point did normal friction among the group’s members turn into a more harmful form of conflict?


2. Think of one of your ongoing relationships in which conflict plays a larger or more harmful part than you would prefer. Which conflict management strategies from this chapter are you willing to put into use in that relationship?

Why did you choose this case? How does this case relate to the topic and/or the course material? Document your thoughts, ideas, feelings and/or opinions about the case in your own words.



  • Federal or State Courts : Roe v. Wade
  • Specialized Courts : State of Florida vs.George Zimmerman
  • Prosecutors : Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1872
  • Defense Attorneys : Perpich v. Department of Defense
  • Disclosing and Suppressing Evidence : Brady v. Maryland
  • Plea Bargaining or Guilty Pleas : Santobello v. New York
  • Trials or Juries : Georgia v. Brailsford
  • Sentencing or Appeals : Hammer . Dagenhart

Use this form for each journal entry


  1. Facts of Case and Issue Presented(main points) and decision in case, written in your own words:
  2. Why did you choose this case?
  3. How does this case relate to the topic and/or the course material?
  4. Document your thoughts, ideas, feelings and/or opinions about the case in your own words (including information about the disposition, rationale or court opinion).

How many (non-dimensional) fl-groups are there? Find these non-dimensional groups. Can one of the 11-groups be considered a Reynolds number?

Homework 6

1. The period of a pendulum, T, is assumed (correctly or incorrectly) to depend on its mass, M, the length of the pendulum. P, the acceleration due to gravity, 9, and the angle of swing, O. Using dimensional analysis, nondimensionalize the period, T, and express its dependence on the other non-dimensional terms.

2. Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rectangular speed limit sign can cause the sign to oscillate with a frequency w. Assume that co is a function of the sign width, b, sign height. h, wind velocity. V. air density p, and an elastic constant, k. for the supporting pole.

Hint: The constant k has dimensions of [force x length].

  • a) How many (non-dimensional) fl-groups are there?
  • b) Find these non-dimensional groups.
  • c) Can one of the 11-groups be considered a Reynolds number?

3. Consider two different flows over geometrically similar airfoil shapes. one airfoil being twice the size of the other. Also, assume that the angle of attack is the same in both flows. The airflow over the smaller airfoil has freestream properties given by 71.= 200K. p. = 1.23 kg/m3. and V. = 100 m/s. The airflow over the larger airfoil is described by T. = 800 K. p= 1.739 kg/m3, and V. = 200 m/s. Assume that the viscosity of the air is proportional to T1I2 , while the heat capacities of air is a constant. Are the two flows similar?

What are your thoughts on the U.S. Foreign Policy? What areas do you see need improvement?

GOVT2305 question

What are your thoughts on the U.S. Foreign Policy? What areas do you see need improvement?


1.Make your initial post to respond to the discussion question. Your initial post must be at least eight full and complete sentences. You will be graded on grammar, spelling and sentence structure as well as fully answering the questions.

List at least two aspects of sexual development that are relevant to each stage of development. An example has been provided for you. Each life stage section should be at least 50 words in length.

CNL-530 Topic 6: Sexual Development Worksheet

Directions: In the table below, list at least two aspects of sexual development that are relevant to each stage of development. An example has been provided for you. Each life stage section should be at least 50 words in length. Include a minimum of three scholarly sources in your responses and an associated APA reference note for each source at the end of the worksheet.


Life Stage Sexual Development

In Utero

1.      Ultrasounds have shown evidence that male fetuses have erections (Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      Erections have also been noted in newborns a few hours old (Lehmiller, 2017).


1.      Both male and female infants are capable of sexual response from the moment of birth(Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      Kinsey’s writings include references to both male and female infants engaging in various formsof self- stimulation, such as rubbing or thrusting their genitals against an object, followed bywhat appears to be orgasm(Kinsey, Pomeroy, & Martin,1948; Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, &Gebhard,1953).

Early Childhood 1.      “playing doctor,” a game in which children inspect one another’s genitals(Lehmiller, 2017).

2.      childhood same-sex experi-ences are not necessarily indicative of adult sexual orientation and, sometimes, simply reflecttransitory behaviors (Lehmiller, 2017).

Preadolescence 1. curiosity and behavior set in well before puberty begins; however, they tend to increase significantly afterwards

2. Puberty typically begins between ages 10 and 12 and lasts for several years. Girlstend to start puberty a little earlier than boys

Adolescence 1.      Adolescence is a significant life stage because it is when most people develop feelings of sexual attraction for the first time

2.      It is also when most people have their first experience with sexual intercourse and their first romantic relationship

Adulthood 1.      the odds of developing one or more sexual problems increases.

2.      Study after study has found that there is a negative correlation between age and sexual satisfaction, such that the older people get, the less satisfiedthey tend to be



Lehmiller, J. J. (2017). The psychology of human sexuality (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell.

What vulnerabilities found by Nessus would you attack? Why? Why would you want to scan a target using modules in msfconsole? Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?

CYB 362 – Vulnerability Analysis Hands-on Assignment


The objective of this lab is to gain experience in vulnerability analysis.


  1. Laptop with internet connectivity
  2. Virtual environment
  3. One metasploitable machine
  4. One Kali machine

Lab Setup

  1. Go to and sign up for a nessus trial
  2. Go to the email you signed up with and copy the activation code to a note and click the download link
  3. Download the nessus version that will work on your kali box. (Nessus-x.x.x-debian_amd64.deb)
  4. Be sure you downloaded and installed the VirtualBox extension pack form
  5. Go to and download metasploitable to your host machine
  6. Extract the files to a folder on your desktop
  7. In VirtualBox create a new machine
  8. Set the type to linux and the version to Debian 32bit
  9. Create a new virtual hard disk, VDI
  10. Ensure the disk is dynamically allocated
  11. Set the hard disk size to whatever you like, this will be deleted soon
  12. Open the machines settings
  13. Go to storage
  14. Under Controller:SATA click the “machine_name”.vdi file
  15. Click add hard disk and choose existing disk
  16. Navigate to the folder with the metasploitable files
  17. Choose metasploitable.vmdk
  18. Go to the system tab
  19. In processor, check the extended features box
  20. Save the settings

Lab Procedure

  1.  Start the metasploitable machine you downloaded and login
    1. The credentials are msfadmin:msfadmin
    2. Type ifconfig to get the IP address and note it
  2. In kali, go to your downloads folder from command line where you should already have downloaded Nessus-x.x.x-debian6_amd64.deb
  3. Install Nessus. For this example, we are using version 7.2.1
    1. sudo dpkg -i Nessus-7.2.1-debian6_amd64.deb
  4. Start Nessus
  5. sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
  6. Open your browser and navigate to
  7. Create a username and password for your nessus account
  8. Enter the activation code you were sent from tenable
  9. Wait for plugins to compile (This may take some time)
  10. Create a new scan
  11. Choose advanced scan
  12. Name the scan msf scan
  13. Add the IP address of your msf machine, for example 192.168.1.x
  14. Save the scan
  15. Under my scans, click the run button next to your new scan
    1. The scan will populate in real time so you may see results during the test
  16. Once the scan is complete, take a screenshot of the results
  17. Pick several vulnerabilities and read what they do and how to exploit them
  18. Next, prepare a metasploit scan
  19. Open a console in Kali and start postgresql
    1. service postgresql start
  20. Initialize the metasploit database
    1. sudo msfdb init
  21. Start metasploit
    1. sudo msfconsole
  22. Ensure that the database has been connected
    1. db_status
    2. A positive result will be “postgresql connected to msf”
  23. Next, check the nmap db
    1. db_nmap
  24. Nmap the metasploitable machine from msfconsole
    1. db_nmap 192.168.1.x
  25. Screenshot the results
  26. FTP appears to have an open port on the target, let’s see if it’s vulnerable to anonymous login
  27. Select the FTP scanner is your msfconsole
    1. use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous
  28. Show the available options for the module
    1. show options
  29. Set the rhost, which is the target you wish to scan, from msfconsole to the metasploitable machine
    1. set RHOSTS 192.168.1.x
  30. Run the module
    1. run
  31. Screenshot the results
  32. Look in the auxiliar/scanner/ are of msfconsole for modules that can scan any services you find interesting
  33. Scan at least 1 other service and screenshot the results
  34. Use Nessus to scan your Ubuntu VM. Discuss the vulnerabilities found. See if you can find any vulnerabilities in your setup that you did not know existed.


Report Questions

  1. What vulnerabilities found by Nessus would you attack? Why?
  2. Why would you want to scan a target using modules in msfconsole?
  3. Does a medium vulnerability always mean that a system can easily be exploited?
  4. Name two vulnerabilities found by Nessus that you would not attack and why.
  5. Explain why Nessus is only one step to finding vulnerabilities and how it may be inaccurate.


Research to determine the target audience of your business. Create three marketing personas that represent the organization’s target audience. Which platforms might best help you achieve your goals?

Social Media Marketing

Project Assignment

In this project, you will work as a group to provide social media consulting. You own a Social Media consulting company, and your company has been selected to work with a new Saudi B2C organization (business or non-profit) of your choice (select a business of any industry).

The selected business has decided to launch a New Product and Mobile App campaigns on social media. And they are planning to market and present their products or services on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Foursquare, Facebook, YouTube and Blog…. etc.

For this part of the assignment, you need to write a report that describe the following aspects of the business.

  1. Brief overview [Brand Summary & Social Media Accounts] [1.5 marks]
  • Find new creative store/business name [Doesn’t exist].
  • Give a brief description about your company and the industry?
  • Create proper social media accounts [such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat]. And provide screenshots of the accounts that you’ll use across all social platforms.
  • Explain the competitive advantage to show how the company can realize significant gains by using SMM and what do you want to achieve with social media?


  1. Audit your social media platforms performance [2 marks]
  • After creating your social media accounts, share links with your colleagues on discussion board.
  • All students are required to participate/engage [likes, comments, tags or share] and provide screenshots.
  • Social media marketing statistics will give you the vision you need to improve your plan, check your account’s statistics [ex: Twitter analytics, Instagram Insights] and attach a screenshot to your report.
  • After that, you must analyze the company’s use of the social media by examining their presence on the following social media platforms:


Metric Sentiment Reach Company Posts Feedback Average response time to feedback
Platform 1          
Platform 2          
Platform 3          


Note: you can use any free online Sentiment Analysis tools to evaluate your social media presence.


  1. Social media benchmarking [3.5 marks]
  • Review the social media accounts of five local competitors and pay attention to their tone and personality and analyze your competition’s social media platforms. Base your analysis on what you’ve observed on your competitor’s social media accounts across all platforms.

For each competitor answer the following questions:

  • How your competitors use each platform?
  • What type of content are they posting? And social media platforms used?
  • What content is getting the highest engagement [e.g. retweet, likes, comments]?
  • How many followers do they have?
  • How often do they post [daily, weekly, or monthly]?
  • Do they respond to comments? And how?
  • Are your competitors successful on these platforms?

Note: You can use any free online third-party platform for further analysis.

  • After completing the benchmarking, think about the results and act accordingly, how can a benchmarking analysis help your business?
  • Look at the data you’ve collected and identify the areas that need improvement (Explain).

4. Define your social media marketing goals (based on launching a new Product and Mobile App campaigns) [1.5 marks]

  • Based on the finding from your social media audit, write the goals and strategies section of your SMMP.
  • How are you going to get people to engage with your business on social media?
  1. Research your target audience [1.5 mark]
  • Research to determine the target audience of your business.
  • Create three marketing personas that represent the organization’s target audience.
  • Which platforms might best help you achieve your goals? [Select at least 4 platforms].



Reference list

List all the sources you have used in the process of researching your work

What did you find most persuasive, inspiring, problematic, or encouraging about any aspect of the book/assignments/lectures (be specific—concept, argument, fact, theory, explanation, discussions, etc.) and why?

Retrospective Write-Up

In your paper, you should address the following:

  1. What did you find most persuasive, inspiring, problematic, or encouraging about any aspect of the book/assignments/lectures (be specific—concept, argument, fact, theory, explanation, discussions, etc.) and why?
  2. How did portions of the book/assignments/lectures challenge or advance your and/or our thinking?
  3. What aspects do you disagree with and why?
  4. How can the insights from this course be applied to your own life?
  5. How can the insights from this course be applied to a larger organizational or social context outside of your life?

Your paper should be one page of typed text, single-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman font, with no more than one-inch margins. (Note: Do not place large titles/headings at the top or bottom of the page to try and take up space so you can write less).