Assessment Plan
The assessment plan outlines the details of each graded assignment that occurs in the course including evidence that will determine how well the students are achieving the selected outcomes. You will need to create a rubric for your formative assessment plan. You will need to clearly explain how students will be graded for your summative assessment plan.
Assessment Title (indicate type):
Titles are usually short,, 2 to 3 words, representing the main topic of the assessment. Use a coding system to label each assessment uniquely. For example, for a discussion, use DB01, DB02, DB03….or for a written assignment use AS01, AS02, AS03…

Grade Value:
Indicate the percentage worth of the final grade out of 100%. For example, this paper is worth 10% of your overall grade.
Course Learning Objective(s):
Copy and paste the associated course learning objective here so students can easily identify and make connections with the assessment.
Unit Learning Objectives:
Copy and paste the associated unit learning objectives here so students can easily identify and make connections with the assessment.
The introduction should contain everything the student needs to know in order to complete the assessment including the purpose and how it meets the learning objects as well as how the assessment is to be completed and at what level of mastery.