Using the Assessment tools we have discussed in this Module and research you have done independently; provide a complete assessment of the company you are currently working for. If you were the CEO what would you change and why? Please provide your recommendation for change and support your proposal with independent research and critical analysis. Please provide a “Before” and “After” Organizational charts showing the current management structure and how you propose to change it and why.

If you are not working at this time – use a past employer. If you work for a multi-national Company use the business unit you are working for to provide this assessment.

Your Final Assessment paper should be 4,500 words (+ or – 10%).

Pedagogical aim and expectations:
THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ACCOUNTS FOR 100% OF YOUR CLASS GRADE! The examiner will look for (1) evidence of external research (2) learning from the current module (3) critical thinking to support your analysis and recommendations. A Harvard style bibliography is required.

Since the Final Assessment question and dates are visible one the first week of this module, please make sure you are prepared in advance to submit on time.