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Triple Play and the Art of Relevance

According to Simon, “Something is relevance if it gives you information if it adds meaning to your life if it makes a difference to you”. Therefore, relevance creates more involvement in the arts by a higher number of people. The following is the discussion how Triple play findings supports the theory of “Arts of Relevance”.


There are those audiences who are always excited to converse performances instantly after watching; there are much attracted in all engagement activities. According to Simon, these kinds of people are insiders. That is, the audiences are aware of the play as they show much interest. However, those that prefer to reflect privately display little interest in engaging with the new play. Therefore, if theaters need new people to come inside their institution, they need to open doors that speak to outsiders and welcome them in. It will enable them to explore new adventures from interacting with new plays. Besides, most people are much interested in receiving information directly from playwrights. It encourages interacting with new plays as they are more absorbed in narrating the play after the performances.


According to the findings, at least 60% of respondents wanted to realize new playwrights and plays whenever they go to a theatre. It supports the theory of relevance since in discovering new plays, they learn new information, which is relevant to their lives. As a result, people will understand the needs and interests of the communities since these are individuals with shared dreams, interests, and backgrounds, hence the more we tend to understand them, the more comfortable we can unlock relevant experiences. Good brand and reputation have been linked with the increase in audiences with new plays since they realize the relevance of the play due to the company’s reputation.

As a result, these audiences identify the doors that others are offering into their own experiences. The new play creates new connections to the viewers as it adds information to their knowledge of these topics as many people enjoy going to a theatre to have fun, relax, as well as spend time with friends and families. To them, bonding is relevant as it strengthens the connection with their loved one hence relevance. Moreover, new plays enable audiences to engage in some crucial issues in the communities.

Connections to Playwrights

Although many audiences do not establish a strong relationship with the playwrights, they play a significant role in the theory of relevance. They write new plays that can trigger the audience attention. Although most viewers do not pay attention to the authors of the play, there is a connection between the two groups since play writers adapt to their organization’s missions to make it relevant to the new people. Therefore, greater access to playwrights can increase the interest of attendees in seeing new plays. In addition, theatres can foster audiences’ connections with playwright through promoting their name recognition on social media. Usually, playwrights represent the relevance of an organization to the viewers. Hence, strengthening their bond would increase the audience’s connection to the new plays.

New Play Skeptics Vs. Co-Creators

Skeptics are always inclined to doubt or question accepted opinions (Carnwath 63). Skeptics prefer to be well-conversant about what they are going to see even before arriving at the theatre. They support the theory of “art of relevant” since as Simon narrated, “relevance is the key to unlock new meanings and experiences in life”. Therefore, skeptics show much interest in the new play, which enables them to explore discoveries. Besides, their desire for advanced information allows them to engage with the original play since they reduce the sense of uncertainty that might be associated with new plays. Consequently, they enjoy watching the play, which increases their relevance in the original play. The art of relevance stresses that to improve audiences’ experiences, one has to create a better connection with the visitors.

Therefore, skeptics display much interest as they talk about the play on their way home. It indicates how the new play has added new meaning to their life; hence, relevant. In contrast with skeptics, co-creators show more interest in discussing the play immediately after the performance. It could denote that the play did not add much meaning to their life, or they want to get rid of it. Therefore, skeptics audiences discover new information and meaning compared to co-creators since distractions increase relevance in the play.

How Triple Play Findings of Motivations for Theatre Going Support Theories of Relevance

People have varied opinions concerning why they go to the theatres. However, many issues spice up their motivation to attend a theatre. For example, some Single Ticket Buyers go to the theatre to have fun, socialize, relax, and, importantly, spend time with their loved ones. Therefore, it enables them to discover new plays and playwrights, which increases their relevance since the play could be a therapy to their problems hence adding relevance in their life. As a result, the new play enables them to unlock new ways, which builds deep connections with people who do not immediately self-identify with their work.

As Simon states, “Relevance is the key to a locked room where meaning lives” due to some of attender’s views theatre-going as a social activity. “The artist behind the play was far less important than the people they experienced the play with”. They get time to socialize with other people hence unlocking their relevance doors. Some go to the theatre due to the desire to engage with essential issues in the communities. Therefore, they challenge ones’ assumptions and ideas about the world. It promotes the theory of relevance as Simon states that, “if you’re seeking to be relevant to new communities, you have to find the outsiders from those communities with whom you can collaborate”. It increases the interest of people as the value offering of the new play touches their hearts.

How People’s Engagement Preferences Support the Conversation Around Relevance

The findings in the Triple play suggests that audiences should be motivated to attend a new play if it adds relevance in their life since the key to creating broader participation and more considerable significance is unlocking more rooms. The closed doors are the ones with compelling value, experience, emotions, and information. Hence, it creates a secure connection between audiences and playwrights, which increases participation in new plays. According to Triple Play findings, greater access to playwrights can increase the interest of new plays among the attendees. Attendees’ preferences on engagement denote that people want to connect with playwrights. They had much interest in conversing with playwrights, cast directors to ask them questions about the whole script. It would bring diverse people together; hence, removing any distractions. Through bonding with attendees, the playwright would be focusing on his or her mission. Thus, the more it opens more doors, the more it will remain relevant to their audiences.



Works Cited

Carnwath, J. “Triple Play: Audience Perceptions of New Plays.” 2017