Focus Group Questions: Collective Teacher Efficacy

Interview Question Source of CTE Research Foundation Leadership Competency Research Question
1.How is the school’s mission and goals shared and promoted by the principal?

How are teachers involved?


Social Persuasion


Affective States


Bandura’s Four Sources of Efficacy Beliefs


Building Vision and Setting Direction



Unity of purpose



Managing the Teaching & Learning Programme


Research Question 2

What beliefs held by the Principal have influenced the school’s collective teacher efficacy?


2. How is the school’s vision for teaching & learning shared and promoted by the Principal?

How does the Principal communicate standards and expectations?


3. In what ways does the Principal influences school culture?

How is relational trust developed?

What leadership approaches are adopted by the Principal?

How does the principal build team?

How is success shared and celebrated?


4. How does the principal inspire and build teachers’ professional confidence?

Modeling or sharing of success?

Messaging- briefings / PD / Bulletins

Verbal feedback?


Mastery Experiences


Vicarious Experiences


Social Persuasion




Building instructional

knowledge and skills


Bandura’s Four Sources of Efficacy Beliefs






Brinson and Steiner’s

Building Collective Efficacy


Understanding & Developing People


Redesigning the Organisation


Building Relational Trust



Research Question 3

What behaviours enacted by the Principal have influenced the school’s collective teacher efficacy?


5. How does the principal’s influence the ways in which teachers are provided feedback on teaching and learning?

Principal’s role?

Peer feedback?

Lesson Observations / Performance reviews & targets

6. What professional learning opportunities has the principal provided to support teacher professional development and growth?

Staff PD sessions?



Readings and podcasts/videos?



Mastery Experiences


Vicarious Learning


Social Persuasion



Creating opportunities for teachers to

collaboratively share

skills and experience


Bandura’s Four Sources of Efficacy Beliefs






Brinson and Steiner’s

Building Collective Efficacy


Understanding & Developing People


Redesigning the organisation


Promoting and Participating in Teacher Development


Research Question 4

What practices employed by the Principal have influenced school’s collective teacher efficacy?


7. What structures has the principal put in place to enable teachers to collaboratively share skills and promote team learning?

What? How?

(probe PLC’s)



8. How does the principal involve teachers in school improvement and decision making?

Opportunities for teacher leadership?

School improvement groups?

School priorities?



Affective States




Involving teachers in

school decision making


Bandura’s Four Sources of Efficacy Beliefs


Brinson and Steiner’s

Building Collective Efficacy


Collaborative Decision Making


Redesigning the Organisation


Understanding and Developing people

Research Question 3

What behaviours enacted by the Principal have influenced the school’s collective teacher efficacy?


Research Question 4

What practices employed by the Principal have influenced school’s collective teacher efficacy?

9. What could the principal do differently / more to build collective teacher efficacy and a positive school culture?