Ethics Decision Tool:

Paste a screen shot of the decision from this here

I consent to completing this survey                                         o

Q1. What is your gender?

Male                                                                                                      o
Female.                                                                                                o

Q2. What is your race?

White                                                                                                    o
Black or African American                                                             o

Hispanic                                                                                               o

Asian                                                                                                     o

Native American                                                                              o

Other (Please specify)                                                                   o

Q3. What is your age group?

18-21                                                                                                     o
22-25                                                                                                     o

26-29                                                                                                     o
30-33                                                                                                     o

34-37                                                                                                     o
38-40                                                                                                     o

40+                                                                                                         o

Q4. How did you find out the Flume music event?  Select all that apply

In the media (newspaper, magazines, etc)                                           o
Business network                                                                                            o

Through a friend                                                                                              o
On the internet                                                                                                o

While passing the event location                                                              o

Other (please specify)                                                                                   o

Q5. How many times have you been to Flume music event?

One                                                                                       o

Two                                                                                       o

Three                                                                                    o
Four                                                                                       o

Five +                                                                                    o

Q6. Out of the options below, which is the most important when attending the Flume music event? Please rank them from least to most important (1= Least important and 10=most important)

Atmosphere                                                                                      o

Socialising with friends                                                                  o

Music/Artists                                                                                     o
Enjoyment                                                                                          o

Experience( To see new and different things)                    o

Holiday/Break away                                                                        o

Tagged along with friends                                                            o

General entertainment                                                                 o

Meet new people                                                                           o

Free tickets                                                                                        o

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements based on your experience of the Flume music event

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly diagree
Q7. I felt moved or inspired          
Q8. I felt engaged in the experience          
Q9. I was exposed to new points of views or ways of thinking about things          
Q10. I was able to meet new people          
Q11. Has increased my knowledge of people whose backgrounds are different to my own          


Q12. How likely is it that you would recommend Flume music event to friend or colleague?

o Very likely o Somewhat likely o Neutral o Somewhat unlikely o Very unlikely


Q13. Based on the experience at this Flume music event, will you participate again in the future?

Yes o

No  o


Data Analysis plan

Question Number Literatue Critical Point Questionnaire question Analysis
1,3 Waitt (2000) ‘Perceived authenticity’ What is your Gender?

(Male, Female)


What is your age?

(18-21, 22-25, 26-29, 30-33, 34-37, 38-40, 40+)

T-test with question 8-11


Anova with question 6,7,8-11

2 Picard and Robinson (2006) There are differing perceptions of authenticity depending on the factors such as place of residence What is your race?

(White, Black  or African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Other)




Anova with question 9, 10, 11
4 Belhassen et al (2008) Sources of the event How did you find out the Flume music event? ( Media, Business network, Friend, Internet, Passing the event location) Anova test with question 5,6
5 Macleod ( 2006) Music festivals where people feel authentic How many times have you been to Flume music event? (1,2,3,4,5+) Anova test with question 6, 8, 10
6 Jamal and Hill (2004) Motivations for attending the event based on ‘authenticity’ elements Which is the most important when attending the Flume music event?


Please rank from least to the most important

1)      Atmosphere

2)      Socialising with friends

3)      Music/Artists

4)      Enjoyment

5)      Experience (To see new)

6)      Holiday, break away

7)      Tagged along with friends

8)      General entertainment

9)      Meet new people

10)   Free tickets

Anova test with question 2,3
7 Clifford et al (2010) Authenticity is clearly in impressions people form about the event and these impressions are development through the attendee’s perception of the events To what extent do you agree that I felt motivated or inspired (Strongly agree- Strongly disagree) Anova with question 6
8 Maccanell (1973) Authentic experience To what extent do you agree that I felt engaged in the experience (Strongly agree- Strongly disagree) Anova with question 5,6
9 Macleod (2009) People will want to experience something they haven’t experience before To what extent do you agree that I was exposed to new points of views or ways of thinking about things (Strongly agree- Strongly disagree) Anova with question 6
10 Kim and Jamal (2007) Constructing self-identity as examples of intrapersonal authenticity To what extent do you agree that I was able to meet new people (Strongly agree- Strongly disagree) Anova with question 1,2,3
11 Quinlan Cutler and Carmichael (2010) Sharing individual’s personal realm dimensions of knowledge To what extent do you agree that it has increased my knowledge of people whose backgrounds are different to my own (Strongly agree- Strongly disagree) Anova with question 2
12 Macleod (2009) Recommendation for other people for new experience How likely is that you would recommend Flume music event to a friend or colleague?

(Very likely- Very unlikely)

Anova with question 8,9
13 Picard and Robinson (2006) Authentic experience linking in to the future Based on the experience at this Flume music event, how likely are you to attend in the future?

(Yes, No)

Chi square with question 1







UoM Template for Research Participant Information Sheets


Why do people like attending Flume music event?

Participant Information Sheet (PIS)

About the research

  • Who will conduct the research?

The research will be conducted by Changki Hong who is a student studying for a BA in MIE at the University of Manchester

  • What is the purpose of the research?

The aim of the research is to look into the motivations for attending the Flume music event based upon authenticity elements.

  • Who has reviewed the research project?

The research project has been reviewed by The University of Manchester Research ethics committee

  • What would I be asked to do if I took part?

You would be asked to complete a questionnaire that should take 5 minutes, where you are expected to answer every question to the best of your ability.

  • What will happen to my personal information?

No personal identifiable information will be collected as part of this study

  • Will my participation in the study be confidential?

Your participation in the study will be kept confidential to the study team and those with access to your personal information as listed above.

  • What happens if I do not want to take part or if I change my mind?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to tick a box on the questionnaire to confirm consent. If you decide to take par you are still free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason and without detriment to yourself. However, it will not be possible to remove your data from the project once it has been anonymised and forms part of the dataset as we will not be able to identify your specific data. This does not affect your data protection rights.

  • Will my data be used for future research?

This information will not identify you and will not be combined with other information in a way could identify you. The information will only be used for the purpose of health and care research and cannot be used to contact you regarding any other matter or to affect your care. It will not be used to make decisions about future services available to you.

  • Will I be paid for participating in the research?

You will not be paid to complete this study.

  • What is the duration of the research?

This study will take around 5 minutes to complete a short questionnaire.

  • Will the outcomes of the research be conducted?

The outcomes of this study will be submitted as a piece of assessment and only visible to two markers and one external examiner. As there is no personal identifiable information this will not identify you to any one external to the University of Manchester.

  • Who has reviewed the research project

The study has been reviewed by my supervisor.

Dr Miriam


What if I want to make a complaint?

  • Minor complaints

If you have a minor complaint then you need to contact the researcher in the first instance:

  • Formal complaints

If you wish to make a formal complaint to someone independent of the research team or if you are not satisfied with the response you have gained from the researchers in the first instance then please contact